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Representative Meeting on June 7, 2014 at 2pm KES. Add us on FB or visit our Facebook page for details. SEE YOU THERE. 


If you are interested in representing your batch for the Grand Alumni Homecoming, please email us your name, year graduated, email address and your phone number.


There are ways to contact us: click here





Post Old Pictures!

Batch Pictures


We would love to feature your pictures. Friends and classmates would love to see them as well. You can post them directly on your FB page, and tag us or you can just post them on our KES FB fan page.


What are you waiting for? Start unearthing those old chests and brwose through old photo albums!


The more the merrier!!

Activities Pictures


Do you have pictures of your friends when you were just little boys and girls? Maybe pictures of your first Girl Scout or Boy Scout jamborees? Do you have a funny hair and costume at a field day? How about your memorable field trip at the museum? Cheerleading competition? Dance competition? Intramurals? First communion?


They are endless, and we would be so thrilled to look at them. 





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